We at Sacramento Pacific Appraisal Group, Inc. have had the pleasure of working with many professionals in the Real Estate Industry. Provided is a list of some of the providers of these services that we have provided our customers with superior service.

Lyon Real Estate/Denise Calkin Phone: 1-916-484-3636 email: dcalkin@golyon.com

Denise is a full service Real Estate Agent serving the Greater Sacramento Area.

Comstock Mortgage Phone Toll Free 1-800-649-6616

Comstock Mortgage provides a full range of loan products.

Twin Termite Phone: 1-916-344-8946 email: info@twintermite.com

Twin Termite provides pest inspection for real estate transactions as well as repairs. They also offer a monthly pest control service.

United Professional Real Estate Inspectors Phone Toll Free: 1-866-788-1112  email: info@uprei.com

UPREI provides a full range of home inspection services.